Studying The Possibility of Reducing Ash Formation


 1-Reducing material consumption (zinc)

 2- Reducing energy consumption 

3- Increasing quality of production.


New research has developed a novel, METALLIC FLUX COMPUND, to reduce ash formation, theoretical, this compound will increase ash formation to 50%

  Environmental feasibility:

    1-   Reducing waste ash

2-   Reducing consumption of energy

Economic feasibility:

The total quantity of ash = 203.1 ton / y   in 2003 

The zinc in ash = 203.1*0.7 = 142.17

The price of ash is considered as 55% zinc

That mean = 0.41* 203.1 = 83.271

The loses = 142.17 – 83.271 = 58.9 ton saving / year

The price of zinc per ton = 1253

Saving = 58.9 *1253 =73801.7 $ / year   

Technical and organization consideration:

The additives  depend on the amount of production 250 gr \ ton production

10976.632 *0.25 = 2744.158 kg

The price of gold flux = 4938.168 $

The price of total quantity for one year = 2.7442 *4938.168 = 13551.32 $.

About housekeeping :

1- fabricate better cover for zinc kettle : 725 $

2- fabricate better tool for as removel .

3- do training for the kettle watcher and how to clean ash when necessary.   



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